Guided Biofilm Therapy

Licensed Guided
Biofilm Therapy Doctor

Nima Shayesteh, DMD
Comprehensive Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT)
What Is

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT)?

  • To put it simply, GBT is THE BEST PROFESSIONAL TOOTH
  • GBT is a revolutionary dental hygiene system that replaces old-fashioned teeth cleaning methods that use painful hand instruments, spinning rubber cups, and abrasive polishing pastes.
  • While older techniques scratch away teeth & restorations while failing to remove all biofilm, GBT is a true wellness SPA experience for the mouth that eliminates pain & fear and provides unparalleled comfort while removing up to 100% of biofilm without damage to teeth.
What Is


  • You’re probably familiar with that filmy feeling of unbrushed teeth, that’s biofilm. It’s a sticky film that coats teeth and hardens over time to tartar or dental calculus when it isn’t removed.
  • Biofilm contains harmful bacterial micro-organisms that multiply in colonies and can cause local and systemic disease. Some of the most common include tooth decay, bad breath, gingivitis (bleeding gums), periodontal disease (gum infections and receding gums & bone,) tooth loss, and implant loss.
  • In addition to local disease, modern studies show that biofilm triggers systemic diseases and increases the risk of Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, premature birth, respiratory disorders, diabetes, and more...
What is the

True goal of
dental hygiene visits?

All professional dental cleanings should result in the complete removal of biofilm from all teeth surfaces, gums, and tongue. Unfortunately, this isn’t usually the case with traditional teeth cleaning methods. Typically, only 50% of biofilm in difficult-to-reach areas can be removed, which is not acceptable, because the infection will continue to progress if any biofilm remains.


Guided Biofilm Therapy is a cutting-edge method for removing biofilm, stains, and calculus entirely. It utilizes advanced technologies while being gentle on teeth and gums. The GBT protocol ensures consistent, high-quality treatment through a systematic approach. The development of GBT is the product of extensive clinical research by EMS in Switzerland in collaboration with top specialists.
Guided Biofilm Therapy is a cutting-edge method for removing biofilm, stains, and calculus entirely. It utilizes advanced technologies while being gentle on teeth and gums. The GBT protocol ensures consistent, high-quality treatment through a systematic approach. The development of GBT is the product of extensive clinical research by EMS in Switzerland in collaboration with top specialists.


Dr. Nima Shayesteh is committed to providing the highest quality dental care available. This is achieved through the utilization of cutting-edge technology and instruments, as well as ample appointment time per patient to ensure gentle and meticulous care. As the premier GBT certified provider in Los Angeles, Dr. Shayesteh utilizes both guided biofilm therapy and laser technology for advanced dental cases, minimizing the need for periodontal surgery. This advanced approach to controlling biofilm is the most sophisticated in the industry.
GBT represents a major shift from traditional dental hygiene methods of the past. With the EMS AIRFLOW ® and PIEZON® PS No Pain devices, all you need is water, air and AIRFLOW® PLUS powder to fight bad biofilm with a winning smile.

vs. Traditional Dentistry

Traditional GBT
Pain & Discomfort Painless & Comfortable
Dulls And Damages Teeth & Dental Work Gentle & Non-Invasive
Incomplete Biofilm Removal Thorough Biofilm Elimination
Increased Risk Of Tooth Loss Reduced Risk Of Tooth Loss
Increased Risk Of Systemic Disease Reduced Risk of Systemic Illnesses
Only Cleans Teeth & Restorations Cleans Teeth, All Restorations, Gums & Tongue
Wears Away Roots Of Teeth Non-Damaging & Maximally Preserves Structures

Guided Biofilm

Culver City, CA | Dr. Nima Shayesteh

teeth cleaning
method vs
​​​​​​​AIRFLOW method

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