To Our Valued Patients:
Your care and safety are our main concern as we continue to deliver dental services and appointments amidst the COVID-19.
I am writing today to share with you, our patients and staff, what we are doing at Dr. Shayesteh's Dental office, in the midst of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) threat.
Preventative measures taken at the office include:
All staff, doctors, and patients are screened daily for their recent contacts and required to sanitize their hands prior to entering our facility and when patients and guests arrive for appointments at the dental office.
Patients and staff are kindly asked to reschedule appointments and treatment if they have been exposed to someone that has recently returned from: a large gathering or conference abroad, or a visit to an effected area AND/OR if they do not feel well or have common cold and flu symptoms.
As is standard, furniture and surfaces are cleaned and sanitized regularly.
All dental equipment is sterilized before and after every use in sealed pouches and only opened in view of patients which is and will continue to be our standard of practice.
The most effective preventative measure we can all make is to practice proper hand hygiene.
We will continue to follow routine practices with increased precaution to ensure the safety of our patients and staff.
Our policies and procedures have and will continue to meet and exceed those recommended by the ADA. I want to express to all that if you feel the need to reschedule an appointment due to any health concerns please do so without penalty.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your trust and patience as we continue to provide you and your loves ones with the health care you need during this outbreak.
Nima Shayesteh, DMD
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