5 Signs You Are a Great Smile Makeover Candidate

Dental imperfections can affect the functionality and appearance of your teeth. A smile makeover can help solve these problems and ease your insecurities. Dental restorative techniques and cosmetic dentistry give a beautiful and healthy smile. Read on to find out if you are eligible for a smile makeover.


Your Oral Health Is All Right


Patients should have good oral health generally before starting cosmetic treatment. Your dentist will recommend that your new smile gets a proper foundation to get your desired results. You will need to treat any existing oral health problems, such as gum disease or cavities, in the early stages of the makeover.


Your gums need to be healthy as they are the foundation holding your teeth in position. Your teeth are likely to move or fall out if the underlying bone and tissues are unhealthy. 


Ideally, go for regular dental checkups and establish good oral hygiene practices. Doing so will keep your mouth healthy and improve the longevity of the results obtained from your smile makeover.


You Want a Smile Transformation


Your self-esteem and interaction with other people get affected if you are self-conscious about your smile. While you may think the problem has no solution, smile makeovers can give you your dream smile. Your specialist will create a treatment plan by working with you to understand your expectations.


You Struggle With Functionality


A smile makeover mainly focuses on aesthetic issues and not functional ones. But if your teeth cannot perform as they should, a smile makeover can solve the problem. In addition, some cosmetic issues are also functional problems. For example, you may have limited chewing capability if you have a missing tooth.


Some of the functional issues corrected include decayed teeth, missing teeth, and misaligned bites. After going through the transformational procedures, your teeth will function properly. As a result, your self-confidence will also increase.


You Want to Treat Various Aesthetic Concerns


Some people have a single aesthetic problem that needs resolution. They often obtain their results after a single treatment or procedure. For example, a patient with stained teeth only requires one treatment appointment for whitening.


Individuals with more than one dental aesthetic problem may need several sessions to achieve their desired results. A smile makeover comes in when one has several aesthetic issues that need fixing.


Smile makeovers are suitable for patients with multiple smile concerns. They improve issues such as:


  • Gaps between teeth.

  • Worn down, broken, or chipped teeth.

  • Discolored and stained teeth.

  • Misshapen teeth.

  • Teeth that are disproportionately sized.

  • Misaligned or crooked teeth.


You Have a Time Frame and Budget in Mind


Smile makeovers are diverse. Some patients may want a total smile transformation that may require various procedures and dental visits. The type of makeover you decide to go for will determine the procedure time to make it a success.


Some people stick to their tight budgets and want quick results. As a result, the dentist will make it their priority to focus on specific irregularities and not the entire bite. Fortunately, your specialist has a smile makeover plan that can suit your individual needs.


For more about smile makeovers or to schedule a consultation, call Concierge Smile Boutique at (424) 404-6400 to reach our office in Culver City, California.